SuperCool Bookmark
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SuperCool Bookmark is a powerful bookmark organizer and web form filler that can collect,organize,browse and search bookmarks or email address,and fill in web form. Features:

·Support multi-user. Every user has his own bookmarks and password protection.  

·Add,search,browse bookmark from any running IE browser by a tool bar.  

·Provide you with a powerful searching function. The local bookmarks may be found by any of the following ways: (i) text included in title,content or description;(ii)number of times a bookmark is visited; (iii)whether subscribing or not. It can also search duplicate bookmarks. SuperCool Bookmark can carry out built-in internet search engine function that will allow you to search the internet using multiple search engines.  

·Provide two types of bookmark interfaces (Menu-Type and Page-Type).You can select from the two interfaces to browse the Internet according to your specific desires.  

·Easily add new bookmarks. The URL or Email address in IE window may be easily added to SuperCool Bookmark without any manual input from the user.  

·Support multiple sorting methods, such as according to title, site rating, and number of times a bookmark is visited.  

·Fill in easy web forms by Drag & Drop method.  

·Open all the websites subscribed once after login, and display most recently visited bookmarks in Search Result or IE window  

·Offers backup,restoring,import and export functions.  
